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Поделиться альбомом

It is currently not possible to disambiguate artists with the same name so this profile is shared among two artists.
First one is traditional musician from Amdo region of Tibet and the second is electronic band.


The latter Riga is an audio/visual project born in 2003, composed of Martino Nencioni, Riccardo Pietroboni, Jacopo Barbaccia.

Riga is a collective based on the research of the interaction between the movements in an urban landscape and the sound, the focus is reaching the re‑coding of the border between the real use of the environment and the representation through a media performance.

The sound is generated trough analog and digital devices, and is IDM mixed with experimental electronic. Every work has been created with the intentions of creating a continuous relation between music and visual image.

Their live sets are an audio/visual performance: the videos are curated by Mutant Fish.

They have performed live in some festivals like: C Prayer (Milano), Videodrome (Milano), Tagofest (Marina di Massa), Audiovisiva (Milano), Homework (Bologna); then in Vigevano, Rome… They toured in Italy with Sieben and Matt Howden in 2005.


Описание исполнителя
предоставлено сервисом last.fm


Record Club @ Жан & Riga (09–03–2010) 2010
Поделился: NRJman