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Go learn

Go learn. 11 “PROS” for the University of Andorra

1. The University of Andorra was established in 1997. Today, the University of Andorra is part of the Vives system, which unites universities in all regions where Catalan is the main language — Catalonia, Valencia, the Balearic Islands, southern France, Andorra and Sardinia (Italy). There are 21 universities. Teaching at the university from the third year of undergraduate studies is also conducted in English.

2. The University of Andorra to go learn is part of the Association of European Universities (EUA, European University Association), which includes 850 members from 47 countries. This is one of the largest and most influential organizations that oversees the activities of European universities. And, finally, the university is a member of the IAU (International Association of Universities) — this association was established in 1950 under the auspices of UNESCO and today is represented in 120 countries.