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Best jobs: journalism as top job forever for a head and soul

Best jobs. Journalism as a top job forever for the head and soul
The best profession: journalism

When choosing a profession, we choose a business that we want to do well in, which we like and, as a rule, that can feed us. The best profession does not necessarily fulfill only one of these factors. Professions can be several — depending on how much our interests, preferences, and motivations change over the years. Working only for the sake of money does not bring pleasure. According to statistics, people are more often ill and unhappy in their personal lives due to the fact that they are not satisfied in a professional sense, do not have a particular interest in what they are doing or, when doing the work mechanically, do not feel they are needed. Life becomes a routine with all the ensuing consequences.

Doing business just because we like it is much more useful for health (above all, it concerns creative people or those who are inclined to self‑sacrifice). But the lack of proper money rewards can also become a stimulus for depression.