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How to learn a foreign language? Andorra: whole country as a language learner

To learn a foreign language fluently is really only possible when you are in a country where you can communicate with native speakers every day.

All other methods are just to understand and learn grammar. To speak the language fluently is quite another thing.

And you don’t need to be limited to just one language — there are countries in the world whose residents speak two or sometimes three languages. One of these countries is Andorra: Andorrans speak Catalan (the official language of the country), Spanish (because of the southern neighborhood of Spain) and French (because of the northern neighborhood of France).

All these three languages ​​are completely different. However, many foreigners often confuse words in Spanish and Catalan, so this language mix has its own name — Spatalan (something between Spanish and Catalan). Some people also say that Catalan is more like French in terms of the structure of the words, but not in the pronunciation!