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Best holiday destinations: Andorra

Best holiday destinations

Minimum VAT rate in Europe (4.5%) makes Andorra the most visited country in the world (tourists per capita), according to World Bank

Travel destinations in Andorra

The Principality of Andorra is a small country that is attributed to the group of European diminutive states (Liechtenstein, Monaco and San‑Marino). Andorra is the biggest out of this group. The area of Andorra makes up 468 km2.

The inseparable beauty of landscapes and resorts, skiing, thermal spa springs, duty and excise free trade, low level of criminal activity, excellent ecological conditions, a relatively low cost of living and tourism services in comparison with France and Spain make Andorra the best holiday destination!

Roman arquitecture is visible everywhere and could be found in most small churches and medieval bridges. The majority of festivals and popular traditional holidays correspond to the religious events and natural cycles of the Earth.

It’s easier now to get to Andorra even for a weekend — Andorran company El Teu Soci Aeri (TSA) offered air taxi service from the Spanish airport La Seu D’Urgell (10 km from the border between Andorra and Spain) to many cities in Europe.